
The DJ PRE II (formerly named the “Phono MicroPRE”) acts as an interface between your turntable and your audio recording / playback system. The analog input capacitance can be switched between 100pF and 200pF to optimize your phono cartridge response. A switchable low cut filter removes turntable rumble while leaving the audio pristine. The front gain trim control and signal/clip LED allow you to optimize the preamp’s gain for a wide range of input sources. The built-in low noise phono preamp circuitry is highly accurate and precisely conforms to the RIAA standard. The line output jacks are low impedance and can be used with any sound card.

The Zdirect is a high quality totally passive interface that lets you connect instrument, line, or speaker level signals to a mixer or other balanced input thru a high performance audio isolation transformer. The high impedance single-ended 1/4” input is converted by the transformer into an isolated balanced low impedance signal source. The Zdirects audio transformer has an extremely flat and wide frequency response and can handle high signal levels while still maintaining an isolated balanced low impedance output. This gives the Zdirect a very clean and neutral sound with a wide variety of signal sources and over long signal runs in high noise environments.

The Xdirect is a high quality interface that lets you connect instrument, line, or speaker level signals to a mixer or other balanced input. The high impedance single-ended 1/4” and XLR inputs are buffered and converted, by very low noise active electronics, into an isolated balanced low impedance signal source. The Xdirect has an extremely flat and wide frequency response and can handle high signal levels while still maintaining an isolated balanced low impedance output. This gives the Xdirect a very clean and neutral sound with a wide variety of signal sources and over long signal runs in high noise environments.

The HeadAmp4 offers 1/8th-inch as well as 1/4-inch inputs and outputs as well as lower noise, lower distortion and more output in a new custom extruded stackable metal case.